tocca to remember

ONE touch for all your links

Share your contacts on a single link, by touching an NFC card, scanning a barcode or sending a link to your tocca profile.

Easily accessible

How does tocca work?

It only takes a few steps to create your profile, get an NFC card and start sharing your contacts efficiently.


Create your tocca profile

Easily create your tocca profile page with links. Register and fill out your virtual profile (vcard), it won't take more than a few minutes!


Order your NFC business card

We will add the link to your tocca vcard profile to your contactless NFC card, if you want to print your design on it and save it for download or delivery.


Share your profile

Share all your links and your personal or business profile with one touch, scanning a barcode or sending a link to your tocca vcard profile.

Share your contacts quickly and stylishly

tocca allows you to contactlessly share a profile with your links and contact information with one touch of a modern contactless NFC card. If you want to brand your card, we can print your logo or design on the card with the corresponding tocca package.    

If you don't have NFC on your phone or don't want to use it, you can easily share your tocca profile electronically by sending a link or scanning a barcode. 

You can download your QR code and print it or place it on anything you want, on flyers, newsletters or billboards.

Manage your contacts on your tocca profile

Users have at their disposal one online vcard tocca profile with a basic set of data free of charge. With the activation of the tocca package, users receive a basic or branded tocca card. Users can have several vcard online cards, one of which is linked to a link to which the touch of the NFC card or barcode scanning leads. 

Your contact information has changed? This can be a problem with classic paper business cards, but not for those who have a tocca card. Tocca support can make changes for you or you can do it yourself through your account on the tocca portal. Information on how many times your tocca profile has been visited is also available to users, and for business users it is possible to consider integration with their CRM system upon request. 

Who are tocca clients?

tocca's clients are business people, artists, writers, musicians, influencers, gamers, podcasters, developers, YouTubers, sellers, brands...

Svi koji koriste i vole nove tehnologije mogu lako i moderno podijeliti svoj tocca profil.

And those who like or whose job it is to communicate directly in the field or at conferences can brand their NFC card and exchange their contact simply by touching the card to the potential client's phone... tocc & save.

B2B korisnicima tocca nudi i originalan i inovativni ‘tocca linking’ kanal komunikacije podržan posebnom softverskom platformom. Tocca pretplatnici mogu svojim klijentima u zavisnosti od datuma, vremena pristupa ili uređaja koji se koristi plasirati različite B2C promotivne ili informativne sadržaje ili ih kroz dinamičke linkove usmjeravati na internet lokacije na kojima se nudi dodjeljivanje specijalnih popusta ili kupona, učešće u nagradnim igarama i anketama itd.



Više razloga zbog kojih ćete voljeti tocca

Order your NFC card

Order your NFC card with a link to your business or personal profile. With the activation of the corresponding package, we can print your design on the card.

Updated data and visit tracking

Users of the tocca platform can update their contact information or track information about profile visits in cooperation with tocca support or through their tocca account.

Tapp, barcode scan or link, choose for yourself

Exchange contact information from your profile in the way that suits you best - with one touch of an NFC card, scanning a barcode or sending a link.

Products, services and portfolio

List your products, services or portfolio and present current offers or your work experience on your profile.


Show reviews or reviews of your clients. If you rent real estate, link your Booking or Airbnb review page.

More profiles and modern design

Create multiple vcard profiles on the tocca portal, choose the design and data you want to display and share through your tocca profile.

tocca BLOG

Kreirajte vaš tocca profil, naručite vašu NFC karticu i na jednostavan, efikasan i moderan način podijelite svoj lični ili poslovni profil i sve svoje linkove, izdvojene proizvode, usluge ili preporuke. Jednostavno podijelite svoj tocca profil -na jedan dodir, preko  generisanog barcode ili slanjem jednog linka svi vaši uvijek ažurirani kontakti biće dostupni online.
